Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33

 As we age, we take on more responsibilities with our career, family, home ownership and even care of our parents. Life can present many difficult decisions that should be made with wisdom. Too often though, we chose the easy path, and make hasty decisions that in the end, result on much chaos, confusion, and hurt. How can you avoid the pitfalls of poor choices?

 Today’s brief verse is a great reminder that the God of this universe is not the author of confusion, but peace. He provides sound wisdom that goes beyond your present view and has a plan and purpose to bring you out better than when you first faced the decision at hand. His will for your life is to prosper you, so you can be effectively used by Him for His glory and to help those within the realm of your influence.

 Whatever you are facing today, take it up with God and wait on His response. As you read the bible and earnestly pray, He will reveal the best path forward. It might seem difficult and stretch your resources, but He is quite capable of equipping you for the challenge and sustaining you as you walk in obedience within His perfect will. Trust His voice today as you make those difficult decisions. The peace of God will go with you all the days of your life when you put your trust in Him.


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