Monday, February 13, 2023

 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27

 While employed as a supervisor, I got to know my staff on a personal level. I knew their spouse and children’s names, some of their likes and dislikes and oftentimes spent time listening to their life’s struggles. When it was time to put the rubber to the pavement, they listened and followed my lead as I instructed them on what to do in performance of their job.

 You could say the same of Jesus Christ. Although He is not your supervisor, He actually compared Himself to others as a friend (John 15:15). He is that close to all of those who follow Him. Through a personal relationship with Him, you have unlimited access to His throne room of grace and can connect your life with His. What an awesome privilege to know God on a personal level and experience all the blessings He provides to those who walk in obedience to Him.

 The question today is, do you know Jesus Christ on a personal level? Have you accepted His free gift of salvation, forgiveness of sins, acknowledging/confessing your sins and asking Him to come into your life as you walk daily with Him? If you have and are following Him in obedience, you position yourself for a life full of God’s blessings, wisdom and eternal promise of Heaven as your home. Know Him today by calling out to Him. He wants to know you, His creation! God bless!

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