Friday, February 10, 2023

 Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with fever.  So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. Matthew 8:14-15

 Sickness comes in many forms, from a simple fever, to a major illness, sometimes lasting for a long period. No one enjoys being sick, but when it happens, we are ready to get over it and back to normal. Today’s short two verse passage tells the story about the power of Jesus’ healing touch. Can you imagine the story she shared with her friends and family about Jesus’ healing touch?

 Have you ever questioned why God  allowed you to get sick or someone who is close to you? God oftentimes uses the illness as a test to show His mighty healing power. As a result, the test becomes a testimony of God’s faithfulness. Sometimes the healing takes time, as God works in the life of the believer to strengthen faith and dependence upon Him. But God! He is faithful and promises to help those who call out to Him.

 Maybe you are in the middle of an illness you can seem to shake off. Pray and ask God for His healing power to touch your body so you can resume a normal life. Trust Him and depend upon Him in the meantime. He will bring healing, and when He does, be ready to serve Him through your praise and adoration. Let your test be a testimony of His faithfulness! God bless!

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