Wednesday, February 8, 2023

 Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness. 2 Corinthians 9:10

 As Spring time approaches, many retail stores put out seeds for flowers and vegetables for those who wish to yield a beautiful and bountiful harvest. With the bag of seeds come work, preparing the soil for planting, then making sure it gets watered, fertilized, weeded and occasional pruning. Sounds like work, but the truth is, many have good intentions, but a lack of motivation to do the work keeps the seeds in the bag and never planted. By the end of the summer, that backyard garden your dreamed up is still the same weed filled space, void of any yield.

 Thinking along these lines, you could compare the bag of seeds with every child of God. You have the potential to yield a rich harvest of God’s blessings when you perform acts of love on behalf of Jesus Christ. The neighbor next door who would gladly accept your act of kindness by cutting their grass, the homeless person alongside of the road is ready to receive their next meal, that conversation you started while in the checkout line could be seasoned with a simple message of faith in Jesus Christ. The list is endless, but you have the potential to plant a seed of Jesus Christ in everything you do. Otherwise, you are simply a bag of seeds, sitting on the shelf, useless to the kingdom of God.

 Where can you plant your God given seeds? The soil is fertile and ready for planting. Ask God to lead you in that endeavor so you can yield for Him blessings of your fruitful labor. Your reward will be greatly multiplied when you serve Him in love. God bless!

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