Saturday, December 30, 2023

 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 1 John 3:22

 My oldest grandson is at that age where there are consequences for disobeying. That means the things he enjoys are taken from him for a period of time based on the severity of his disobedience. I recall one time he was grounded for an entire week and pretty much everything was taken from him so there’d be a lesson learned. Just the opposite of bad behavior, is good behavior and during those times he has free access to all his electronics and things he enjoys. You’d think a few times of punishment would be enough to learn that obedience is the best way to live.

 As a child of God, one of the best things you can possess is God’s blessings. Those come in the form of answered prayers, financial support, health, and little surprises that make life easier and brings happiness. When disobedience is enacted, those sweet blessings seem to disappear, which leave you feeling the wrath of God instead of inner joy and contentment. God withholds those blessings for a purpose, to steer you back to dependence upon Him. He longs for you to walk in His perfect will, and that includes making wise choices to honor Him, which is pleasing in His sight.

 How obedient to God have you been this year? Maybe life would be enjoyable with a few more blessings? Start 2024 with a resolution to live in obedience to the Lord and make room for His blessings to be sprinkled throughout the coming year. God wants to give you His best, but He can’t do it unless your life is postured to receive it through living obediently. God bless!


Friday, December 29, 2023

 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Romans 13:14

 Have you ever heard your mom say “don’t play in the mud” when she dressed you in nice clothes? Most likely you were either headed to church, a wedding, or it was picture day at school. Why did she say that? Because she didn’t want you to look messy, but also she knew those nice clothes you wore came at a high cost and she didn’t want them stained.

 If you are a child of God, you should put on your best attitude, your best behavior, your best words and thoughts, you should put on Jesus Christ. Why? Because you represent a holy and amazing God who wants to connect to others through your life. You can do this by avoiding certain places, things and even people who might stain your witness or affect your character. The enticement of sin is strong and can easily influence you if you open the door of opportunity. It’s like playing in the mud with your best clothes on. And if you are like the average person, you’ll fall for the temptation at your weakest moment.

 Is we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

 Thankfully, Jesus Christ has the power to clean you up, even when you’ve played in the muddiest sins this world has to offer. Come clean through Jesus Christ and walk worthy of the Sacrificial Lamb who paid for your sins and made you pure white in the sight of God. Stay out of the mud! God bless!


Thursday, December 28, 2023

 “Avoid popularity if you would have peace.” Abraham Lincoln 16th United Stated President

 If anyone knew how popularity brought anything but peace it would be Abraham Lincoln. Because of his popularity and sometimes unpopular beliefs, he was assassinated during one of the most trying times of this country’s history. If he was alive today and knew his future, I wonder if he’d still desire to be center stage of the Civil War.

 As I get older, I crave peace. After 33 years in a busy career and sometimes in the limelight, I’d rather be in the shadows of those making history today. The business of life and complexities in the workplace have no benefit for me at this stage of life. Social media is one unnecessary resource that can wreak havoc in people’s lives, yet day after day, we see people get buried in emotional bondage, comparing their life with the smiling, good looking, wealthy appearances of people, who in actuality are faced with the same challenges as those who long to be that popular person. It’s a maddening cycle that is the most toxic drug for all ages. How can one get back to the root of peace?

 That you may aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands, as we commanded you. 1 Thessalonians 4:11

 This one verse has become my motto over the years and I’ve strived to mold my actions into the very words it provides. A quiet life, minding my own business and working. These are the foundation of staying out of the limelight of popularity of finding peace in the quietness life has to offer. It’s shedding those unnecessary pleasures that seem to bring more peace than actual pleasure, it’s keeping my focus on self and not other people’s lives and it’s staying busy. Idle time yields desires that are not God honoring.

 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3

Maybe you are like me, ready for a new change in 2024. Some peace, some quietness, some rest for your weary soul. Focus your mind on Christ and find pleasure in pleasing Him and He will restore your soul and instill peace in the process.  


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

 But your eyes have seen every great act of the Lord which He did. Deuteronomy 11:7

 One of my many blessings is having great neighbors. Yesterday he and I had a conversation about some of his life’s experiences. One of his stories was about a time when someone pulled a gun on him and thankfully wasn’t shot. He said God was watching over him. As our conversation continued, we both concluded that we are truly blessed with everything God has provided us.

 Today’s passage in Deuteronomy is a good reminder that we should always keep in mind God’s goodness. By doing so, it gives you confidence when faced with desperate situations, even when facing a gun, that God is with you and helps in time of crises. Everything about God is good and everything He permits to come your way is meant to grow your faith and trust in Him. In the process, you develop His characteristics, as you become more Christlike. I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of anything better than becoming more like Him.

 As you close out this year, take time to think back to those difficult and challenging times and see where God’s hand intervened on your behalf to yield a better you. If you struggle to see His workings, ask God to provide you that vision, and He will bring it to light. God is always with you, trust Him every day in 2024, and know His ways are working to make your life resemble His. God bless!   

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

 But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16

 Question. If someone were to ask your child what they know about Santa Clause vs. Jesus Christ, which would they be more informed? Did you read the Christmas story to your children? And I’m not talking about St. Nick coming down the chimney. Christmas is full of many traditions, but sadly the story of Jesus Christ birth is often left to be told in a church service. Did you attend a church service?

 Jesus Christ ministered to the adults at the time of His ministry, but He was very interested in showing His love to children as well. I’m sure that those little ears were listening as Jesus spoke, and they probably retained more than the adults. The real question to be answered, how will our children know about Jesus unless we expose them to the truth of His message of love, grace, and forgiveness?

 You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 11:19

 Church is the best place to expose them to God’s word, so they can learn core values and scriptures that will stay with them for their lifetime (I still remember scriptures taught to me from my childhood). But church isn’t the only place they need to hear about Jesus, the home is ground zero for everything a child learns and develops as he/she grows up. You can reinforce the morales and values of God by simply being the example and sharing scripture about what you know from God’s word. Unless someone shares the gospel truth to them, how will they know what Jesus did for them on the cross?

 New Years is right around the corner. Why not pick up a devotional book to be read to your child every day and get into the habit of talking to them about Jesus Christ. You’ll be amazed at how their interest will be sparked by the words you share. Then, find a good church home and enroll them in Sunday school, and you too, so you both can be informed and continue good conversations about the truth of Jesus Christ. I promise you Christmas 2024 will have new meaning in their life and yours. God bless!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

 As a child, I had to memorize this verse. It’s probably one of the most well memorized verses in the bible. Is it branded in your mind?

 God, the creator of this universe and everything in it, including you and me, had so much love for us that He sent us a gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, to live amongst us over 2,000 years ago. Jesus Christ experienced every thought, every emotion, and faced the struggles you face today. But the most important thing He gave us was the gift of eternal life through His painful death on an old Roman cross, then rose to life again 3 days later. He paid the sin debts of mankind.

 That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

 God’s gift of eternal life is available to you today. If you’ve never accepted Him into your life, you can do so by believing in what He did on the cross for you (made payment of sins), confess your sins to Him in prayer and ask Him to come into your heart to live forever. When you do, your name is sealed in the Book of Life, your invitation to Heaven. Once saved, live your life for Him and you’ll experience a rewarding life of His presence, guiding you through life’s moments, good and bad.

 Dear God. I know I’m a sinner. I believe that Jesus Christ paid for my sins through His death and resurrection. I ask your forgiveness of my sins and want Jesus to live in my heart. I dedicate my life to you. Amen!

Friday, December 22, 2023

 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land.; But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Isaiah 1:19-20

 Rebellion, it’s everywhere these days. From that child who disobeys their parent’s instructions to those adults who break the laws of the land. Rebellion comes from a dangerous thought that you believe you know what’s better for yourself, regardless of what you’ve been told or instructed. In time, that rebellious person will face a painful punishment, either physically, emotionally or financially. If you are reading this, I’m sure you’ve experienced this for yourself.

 From the creation of man and woman in Genesis, mankind has been rebelling against God’s instructions and biblical guidelines forever. Today’s passage in Isaiah makes it clear that obedience will result in God’s blessings, and rebellion will have severe consequences. Why then do we still continue to break God’s commandments? Pride, and love of self are the primary culprits. So how can you live a full-filled life, yet live within the confines of God’s standards?

 Jesus said, “And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 23:12

 For some of you reading this, “humbleness” equates to weakness. But the truth is, as a child of God, your strength comes from the Lord (Isaiah 40:31). When you dedicate your life to pleasing Him, through a humbled spirit, He exalts you in the process, blessing your life in good times, even in those difficult moments too! As you trust God with every area of your life, He transforms your mind, which aligns with His perfect will for your life and humbleness becomes routine. It’s a process, sometimes a lengthy process, but the more you yield to His ways, the easier that transformation becomes and over time you’ll see yourself putting God first and blessings follow.

 Dr. Charles Stanley used to say “Obey God, and leave the consequences to Him.” Are you ready to yield to His will?

Thursday, December 21, 2023

 Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. Revelation 12:10

 Ever feel defeated? The guilt of sin and negative events in life are open sores for the Devil to pour his wrath, causing you havoc and question your salvation. Psalm 103:12 tells us that as a Child of God, He has removed our transgressions as far as the east is from the west. Even with that assurance, I sometimes still struggle recalling my failures and let them get me down. Do you battle with these same feelings of guilt?

 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Revelation 12:11

 Your and my victory over Satan can’t be won by our good works (for no one is good (Mark 10:18), but only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. His death on the Roman cross and risen life 3 days later proves He defeated death and the shame that comes from the sins of mankind. Let that thought sink in for a few moments and keep it branded in your mind when the father of lies (Satan) tries to tell you, you aren’t worthy of God’s love and forgiveness. You have victory through Jesus Christ. Your sins are forgiven and the victory has been won! 

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

 For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 107:9

 What do you do when hungry? If you are like me, you find yourself headed to the kitchen or favorite restaurant to satisfy that craving for food. When hungry, your body is actually talking to you, telling you it needs nourishment to function. Once fed, that hunger disappears for a brief while until you begin to run on empty again.

 You could say the same is true when you feel an emptiness inside. Either by some event that has hurt you emotionally (maybe physically), or life has become mundane/boring and you feel as if something is missing. When that occurs, where do you go to fill yourself? Thankfully, God is in the business of filling the soul with His presence, His peace, His love, His understanding of you….when no one else does…He is right there ready to fill that void that causes life to be disrupted from the simple joy of the day or season.

 If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13

 Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve entered the throne room of grace, asking God to fill that void that has robbed you of joy and peace. He will do it. As a child of God, He never leaves you, even when you step away from your relationship with Him. He is faithful to help you, especially in time of need, such as now. Come to Him today and fill that longing so you can embrace this special season called Christmas, a time to celebrate the Savior’s birth! God bless!


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

 Jesus said, “I am the light of the world”. John 8:12

 Christmastime is meant for celebration, the birth of Jesus Christ! For many though, distractions take away much of the joy others experience during this wonderful holiday. Distractions include loss of loved ones, family disputes, loneliness, financial struggles, health issues, even struggles with sinful behaviors. The list is long and maybe you are one of those who is suffering through his holiday.

 This early morning, I too was struggling and God spoke to my heart saying, “look at the light”. In today’s verse, Jesus said “I am the light of the world”. He continued: I am the light of hope, I am the light of healing, I am the light of holiness, I am the light of peace, I am the light that passeth all understanding, I am the light of love, I am the light of compassion, I am the light of forgiveness, I am the light of comfort, I am the light in your darkness. I AM! As He spoke to my heart, the automatic light in our living room went out and all that illuminated the room was our Christmas tree, which made the tree come to life.

 You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

 Maybe you simply need to take your focus off life’s distractions and focus on the light of Jesus Christ. Let those Christmas lights be a reminder of Christ’s love for you and all the things He brought to my attention in the above paragraph. He is the light of this wonderful season of celebration; don’t let the distractions take away the light inside your soul that wants to shine brightly in honor of Him! God bless!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone who says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? James 2:14

 While working as a Supervisory Park Ranger, one of the hardest things for me was not doing “Park Ranger” work. I was considered a manager, thus countless meetings and responding to hundreds of emails consumed my day; while I longed to simply ride through our parks and interact with visitors. Yea, I got to do that on occasion, but I was primarily in the office. I was called a park ranger, looked like one, but didn’t do much ranger work.

 Ephesians 2:8&9 says by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works. As a child of God, you are saved by faith. Nothing you physically do earns you the title of a “Christian” or “Disciple”. But once saved, your role as a Christian is to serve others, by showing them the love of God, through selfless acts of kindness and giving.

 As you approach Christmas, why not start performing the role of Christian by serving others. That homeless person on the street corner could use some fellowship, a bag of food, or simply $20 to get him through another day. There are countless resources in your community that NEED help with gifts, food or financial support; why not share of God’s blessings with those agencies? Your generous giving will bless them and you will fulfill your role, your purpose, as a Child of God, to bless those with the love of Christ this Christmas, and all year long! God bless!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Acts 16:25

 When bad things happen, how do you respond? Paul and Silas just underwent a severe beating for their preaching God’s word. Locked up and shackled in a Roman jail, they began praising God. One might think it would be good to remain quiet as their speaking about Jesus got them beaten and locked up. But that wasn’t the case here and they continued praising God for His goodness, even in the moment of horrific pain.

 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed. Acts 16:26

 Great things happen when you make the choice to still praise God, even in the direst of circumstances. Here we see God caused the prison to shake, loosening Paul and Silas’s chains. As you continue reading verses 27-34, the jailer and his family accepted Jesus Christ and were saved, all because the disciples failed to let circumstances quench their spirit.

 You will encounter difficulties in life. It’s part of life and sometimes those difficulties burden you to the point you question God’s goodness. Take advice from Paul and Silas, keep praising God no matter what life throws at you! When you recognize God, through praise and worship, He is summoned to your difficulties and will loosen those chains that want to hold back your faith and belief in Him. As a child of God, you know better, and have put your faith in Him without doubting, because He is faithful and just and will continue to bless you when praising Him is all you have to offer. God bless!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4

  Patience, it’s something many of us, myself included, have very little of when it comes to life’s disruptions. That flat tire while on the way to an important meeting, that slowdown on the interstate due to roadwork, an insurance statement saying they aren’t paying your medical bill or better yet your hot water heater goes on the blink and has to be replaced at an expense you didn’t anticipate. Have I touched a nerve? I have experienced each one of these (currently the hot water heater issue) and it’s no fun trying to work through the struggles of “trials” that come unexpectedly.

 James lets us know each one has a purpose, a testing of patience, which at the time doesn’t seem necessary and needed, but when the pressure cooker of your patience comes to a boil, that might indicate there’s an issue that needs to be addressed. The real issue with a lack of patience might have to do with our lack of trust that God will make a way for the struggle that faces us. Looking back over the years of unexpected trials, I can assure you, time and time again, God never failed to come through on my behalf. And He won’t for you either when you put your faith in Him during the time of testing.

 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. James 1:5

 James 1:5 confirms that God is invested in your troubles and wants to help. He has a plan for each of your troubles and knows how to navigate through them. You simply have to be on board with seeking His direction, so you’ll center your focus on the purpose He has for you at that moment. When you do, your burden becomes less stressful, and patience develops through confidence you have in the Lord.

 Your next lesson on patience is probably set for today or the near future. How you handle it depends on your attitude and heart’s preparedness for learning to grow your faith in God and in the process develop patience. God bless!  

Saturday, December 9, 2023

 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. Luke 1:31

 Last night my wife and I watched one of her favorite Christmas movies. It was very good and generated a lot of tears, laughter, suspense and joy, all in one story. Hallmark has nailed it with Christmas movies, as they have great stories of love and endurance during the busy holiday season. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

 There is another great Christmas story that everyone should be reminded of during the holiday season, the birth of Jesus Christ. The first two chapters in Luke 1 & 2 tell the fascinating story of how God’s Son came into this world to save mankind from their sins. The true story is full of love, romance, mystery, suspense and unspeakable joy. It’s the very reason we celebrate Christmas. Let me say that again, it’s the very reason we celebrate Christmas. Yes, presents, family gatherings, social events, decorations and even the story of St. Nick goes along with this special season, but the foundation of every Christian’s belief is in the story about the life of Jesus Christ. Is Jesus the main focus of your holiday celebrations?

 I encourage you to not neglect the true purpose of Christmas. Read the story of Jesus Christ’s birth and continue reading as you develop knowledge in the truth of His birth, life and how your existence in this life has meaning and a plan for salvation, so you can join Him one day in Heaven. Until then, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men (Luke 2:14)! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin because he has been born of God. 1 John 3:9

 Have you ever been pulled over by the police for speeding? When asked by the officer if you knew you were speeding, you have two responses: Yes, I know I was speeding OR no, I was unaware of my speed or the actual speed limit. You are either deliberately speeding and know the consequences OR you are unaware of your speed but still broke the law.

 As a child of God, you can say that sin is either deliberate or you are not paying much attention and find yourself sinning without intention of doing so. Today’s passage makes it pretty clear about sin. If you are born of God, you won’t intentionally sin, as His seed remains in you (His Holy Spirit).

 We all sin, and most of the time we never intend to do so, it just happens. Satan is quite crafty in that way and can lead you down a path of regret before you are aware of the dept of darkness you find yourself. God’s grace and mercy, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, offers forgiveness in those circumstances.

 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. Hebrews 10:26

 If you find yourself living in purposeful sin, you must seriously ask yourself if you have truly accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. God doesn’t operate in the gray areas of your life. Revelation 3:16 says: So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. You are either with God or against Him. God gives every human being “free will” to choose.

 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

 Maybe it’s time to evaluate your position in Christ. God is ready to receive your acknowledgement of sin, request His forgiveness and willingness to turn from living in it. Ask forgiveness today and make sure your relationship with Him is secure for all eternity. God bless!



Monday, December 4, 2023

 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24

 Over the past 5 days my wife and I took a much needed trip to the Tennessee mountains in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge and Asheville North Carolina at the Biltmore Estate. We had a wonderful time and got some much-needed rest. While there we did a lot of shopping; one thing I noticed as we visited each store and restaurant was the customer service. Some business employees were very friendly and welcoming, while others were just there and lacked any form of happiness. It spoke volumes about the businesses and how they valued their employees.

 As a child of God, you are expected to put forth your very best in everything you do. From your job where employed, to your interactions with others, wherever life takes you. You are a child of God and represent the character of Jesus Christ. It’s hard to find joy in working for someone who isn’t the friendliest or that rude customer who cut you off in the check out line, but your actions speak volumes to whom you belong.

 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

 You belong to God! Show Him the respect He so rightly deserves by acting like His representative. Without your righteous living, no one will see the light of Christ. Live rightly for Him today! God bless!