Tuesday, December 26, 2023

 But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16

 Question. If someone were to ask your child what they know about Santa Clause vs. Jesus Christ, which would they be more informed? Did you read the Christmas story to your children? And I’m not talking about St. Nick coming down the chimney. Christmas is full of many traditions, but sadly the story of Jesus Christ birth is often left to be told in a church service. Did you attend a church service?

 Jesus Christ ministered to the adults at the time of His ministry, but He was very interested in showing His love to children as well. I’m sure that those little ears were listening as Jesus spoke, and they probably retained more than the adults. The real question to be answered, how will our children know about Jesus unless we expose them to the truth of His message of love, grace, and forgiveness?

 You shall teach them to your children, speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 11:19

 Church is the best place to expose them to God’s word, so they can learn core values and scriptures that will stay with them for their lifetime (I still remember scriptures taught to me from my childhood). But church isn’t the only place they need to hear about Jesus, the home is ground zero for everything a child learns and develops as he/she grows up. You can reinforce the morales and values of God by simply being the example and sharing scripture about what you know from God’s word. Unless someone shares the gospel truth to them, how will they know what Jesus did for them on the cross?

 New Years is right around the corner. Why not pick up a devotional book to be read to your child every day and get into the habit of talking to them about Jesus Christ. You’ll be amazed at how their interest will be sparked by the words you share. Then, find a good church home and enroll them in Sunday school, and you too, so you both can be informed and continue good conversations about the truth of Jesus Christ. I promise you Christmas 2024 will have new meaning in their life and yours. God bless!

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