Thursday, December 28, 2023

 “Avoid popularity if you would have peace.” Abraham Lincoln 16th United Stated President

 If anyone knew how popularity brought anything but peace it would be Abraham Lincoln. Because of his popularity and sometimes unpopular beliefs, he was assassinated during one of the most trying times of this country’s history. If he was alive today and knew his future, I wonder if he’d still desire to be center stage of the Civil War.

 As I get older, I crave peace. After 33 years in a busy career and sometimes in the limelight, I’d rather be in the shadows of those making history today. The business of life and complexities in the workplace have no benefit for me at this stage of life. Social media is one unnecessary resource that can wreak havoc in people’s lives, yet day after day, we see people get buried in emotional bondage, comparing their life with the smiling, good looking, wealthy appearances of people, who in actuality are faced with the same challenges as those who long to be that popular person. It’s a maddening cycle that is the most toxic drug for all ages. How can one get back to the root of peace?

 That you may aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your hands, as we commanded you. 1 Thessalonians 4:11

 This one verse has become my motto over the years and I’ve strived to mold my actions into the very words it provides. A quiet life, minding my own business and working. These are the foundation of staying out of the limelight of popularity of finding peace in the quietness life has to offer. It’s shedding those unnecessary pleasures that seem to bring more peace than actual pleasure, it’s keeping my focus on self and not other people’s lives and it’s staying busy. Idle time yields desires that are not God honoring.

 You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3

Maybe you are like me, ready for a new change in 2024. Some peace, some quietness, some rest for your weary soul. Focus your mind on Christ and find pleasure in pleasing Him and He will restore your soul and instill peace in the process.  


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