Saturday, December 9, 2023

 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. Luke 1:31

 Last night my wife and I watched one of her favorite Christmas movies. It was very good and generated a lot of tears, laughter, suspense and joy, all in one story. Hallmark has nailed it with Christmas movies, as they have great stories of love and endurance during the busy holiday season. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

 There is another great Christmas story that everyone should be reminded of during the holiday season, the birth of Jesus Christ. The first two chapters in Luke 1 & 2 tell the fascinating story of how God’s Son came into this world to save mankind from their sins. The true story is full of love, romance, mystery, suspense and unspeakable joy. It’s the very reason we celebrate Christmas. Let me say that again, it’s the very reason we celebrate Christmas. Yes, presents, family gatherings, social events, decorations and even the story of St. Nick goes along with this special season, but the foundation of every Christian’s belief is in the story about the life of Jesus Christ. Is Jesus the main focus of your holiday celebrations?

 I encourage you to not neglect the true purpose of Christmas. Read the story of Jesus Christ’s birth and continue reading as you develop knowledge in the truth of His birth, life and how your existence in this life has meaning and a plan for salvation, so you can join Him one day in Heaven. Until then, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men (Luke 2:14)! Merry Christmas!

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