Saturday, December 30, 2023

 And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 1 John 3:22

 My oldest grandson is at that age where there are consequences for disobeying. That means the things he enjoys are taken from him for a period of time based on the severity of his disobedience. I recall one time he was grounded for an entire week and pretty much everything was taken from him so there’d be a lesson learned. Just the opposite of bad behavior, is good behavior and during those times he has free access to all his electronics and things he enjoys. You’d think a few times of punishment would be enough to learn that obedience is the best way to live.

 As a child of God, one of the best things you can possess is God’s blessings. Those come in the form of answered prayers, financial support, health, and little surprises that make life easier and brings happiness. When disobedience is enacted, those sweet blessings seem to disappear, which leave you feeling the wrath of God instead of inner joy and contentment. God withholds those blessings for a purpose, to steer you back to dependence upon Him. He longs for you to walk in His perfect will, and that includes making wise choices to honor Him, which is pleasing in His sight.

 How obedient to God have you been this year? Maybe life would be enjoyable with a few more blessings? Start 2024 with a resolution to live in obedience to the Lord and make room for His blessings to be sprinkled throughout the coming year. God wants to give you His best, but He can’t do it unless your life is postured to receive it through living obediently. God bless!


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