Friday, December 29, 2023

 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Romans 13:14

 Have you ever heard your mom say “don’t play in the mud” when she dressed you in nice clothes? Most likely you were either headed to church, a wedding, or it was picture day at school. Why did she say that? Because she didn’t want you to look messy, but also she knew those nice clothes you wore came at a high cost and she didn’t want them stained.

 If you are a child of God, you should put on your best attitude, your best behavior, your best words and thoughts, you should put on Jesus Christ. Why? Because you represent a holy and amazing God who wants to connect to others through your life. You can do this by avoiding certain places, things and even people who might stain your witness or affect your character. The enticement of sin is strong and can easily influence you if you open the door of opportunity. It’s like playing in the mud with your best clothes on. And if you are like the average person, you’ll fall for the temptation at your weakest moment.

 Is we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

 Thankfully, Jesus Christ has the power to clean you up, even when you’ve played in the muddiest sins this world has to offer. Come clean through Jesus Christ and walk worthy of the Sacrificial Lamb who paid for your sins and made you pure white in the sight of God. Stay out of the mud! God bless!


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