Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 Having then the gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us. Romans 12:6

 Have you ever put together a jigsaw puzzle? If so, you know that many pieces look the same, but in actuality only 1 fits each specific location in the puzzle. What can be frustrating is to come to its completion, only to find one of the pieces somehow missing. It can literally make you want to give up on putting together puzzles.

 For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function. Romans 12:4

 There is another puzzle that involves your life and the life of others. God gives each of us specific talents and abilities. Those gifts (as we’ll call them) are what makes you and I unique. Everything about us varies, even our fingerprints and DNA differ. As a child of God, you are expected to put your gifts to work for the Lord. As our different gifts come together as a unified body, we all work towards the same goal. Without one of us, we leave a void in Christ’s work, and that can be frustrating for others who rely on you to do your part.

 Have you identified your gifts? If so, are you putting them to good use for the Kingdom of God? God blesses your obedience and if you are truly committed to serving Him, your gifts will be multiplied many times over and followed by God’s blessings. Satan will do all he can to discourage you from working for God, but don’t let his lies dimmish the desires of your heart to serve God. You are important to the Kingdom work and without you, there will be a noticeable void in God’s plan to reach the lost.


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