Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. Psalm 139:16

 On Friday, June 15, 2024 my birth mother passed away, which was the same day as my adopted mother’s birthday. God has a unique way of showing us His handiwork through the little miracles He performs outside our understanding. And one extra, both my birth mother and adopted mother shared the same middle name. All of this brings a comforting peace to my heart, and the warm thought that both of them are communing in Heaven.

 Although I never had the opportunity to meet her, the adoption agency was provided me some history of how I came to be. At one time, my birth mother was married to a man for 7 years and was not able to get pregnant. The doctor told her she would never be able to conceive. After a troubling marriage, she divorced this man. A few years later she met my birthfather and fell in love with him. At one point in their relationship they talked about getting married. Not worried they could get pregnant, they were intimately involved, and to their surprise, she became pregnant (despite what the doctor had told her). Upon hearing the news of the pregnancy, my birthfather ended the relationship, leaving her to carry me alone with the help of her parents. In the fifth month of pregnancy, she decided to give me up for adoption and contacted the agency who would handle the adoption proceedings.

 Just a little over 100 miles away, lived my adopted parents, who were unable to have children and wanted to raise a family. They reached out to the adoption agency and began the long process of investigations to ensure they’d be a suitable fit to raise a child. In the final stages of the process, my adopted dad received a draft notice to join the military, so they had to put the adoption on hold until he came back from serving. Unbeknown to them, I arrived into this world, and the adoption agency notified them to come pick me up. At that time if you had a child, you were exempt from the draft, which ultimately saved my adopted dad from possible death in the war.

 Since their plans were initially put on hold, they didn’t have anything in the house for a baby. They called my God-parents, who told them to go pick me up, and while gone they’d buy some necessities to get them by. My grandparents went with my parents to pick me up, and according to the adoption agency, “The Barr’s seemed so happy, that they could hardly believe what was happening”.

 Many of you know I was raised on a farm in midwestern Illinois and had an adopted sister (18 months younger). I had an amazing upbringing by two parents who did their very best to provide for my every need. I am so grateful for their love and the home they provided.

 There are other little “miracles” that accompanied my life that has made me who I am today. God had a plan for me, even when I was not planned. I hope my story encourages you to look for those little miracles that happen in your life, that are a part of your life’s story. God bless!

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