Sunday, June 2, 2024

 ‭Matthew 23:26 Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.

It's Sunday morning and for most of us we will be attending church services. Some will enter the house of God in nice dress clothes, and others a bit more casual. A few will take part in the service either in the choir, offering collection, greeting, maybe even deliver the sermon. Those who serve have the appearance that they are in good standing with God out of their loyalty to serve. Does that really make them a better child of God? 

From the lips of Jesus Christ, a cup isn't clean unless the inside has been washed. It's a matter of the heart and that's exactly what Jesus used as an example for the Pharisees who thought they were religious by their outward appearance, rules and regulations followed, and their position in the church. Their hearts were not where they should have been; focused on a relationship with Jesus Christ. I truly believe that's why Jesus chose the nobodys of the day to be His disciples. 

Going to church and being a part of the church service won't save your soul from Hell. It's a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Until you get that message seed planted in your heart, all your labor will be in vain. Is your heart ready to worship God? Come thoroughly clean by loving God, repenting of sin, and living in Godly obedience.

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