Tuesday, June 4, 2024

 ‭Romans 14:10 For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. 

If you watch much news, you know that powerful men are currently facing the courts, judging their actions, and public opinion varies by political party. No one is above the law, even a former President or the President’s son. 

There's another court everyone will face one day, standing before God to give account for how we lived. Are you guilty? The Bible says we are all guilty of sin and deserve Hell. No one is above God's judgment, and regardless of what you think, you'll never do enough good to gain entrance to Heaven. 

Fortunately, Jesus Christ, God's Son, lived a perfect sinless life on planet earth and sacrificed His life so you can be found not guilty. All you have to do is accept God's free gift of Salvation by acknowledging sin, believe that Jesus made payment for your sins, and live each day for Him. It's not a complicated thing, God made it was easy for us. Surrender your will to Him and find yourself postured for the day you meet the ultimate Judge. 

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