Friday, August 30, 2024

 II Corinthians 4:10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 

Today you see many people wearing crosses around their neck, on rings, bracelets, even displayed as decor in the home. The question to be answered, is it for show or do they serve as a reminder of the great sacrifice of Jesus. 

As Christians, we are to reflect the image of Jesus Christ in our daily life. The words we speak, the actions we take, even our thoughts should be held captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Surrendering your will to His plan for your life is the only way you will be able to emulate Christ’ character. That means dying to self. Sadly there are many Christians who put a limit on their surrender and miss out on God's blessings, but most of all will never fully attain spiritual fruits God expects to develop in His children. 

The benefits of pursuing Christ vs limiting your dying to certain self pleasures, far outweigh any temporary satisfaction you'll get in the world. You are not of this world, but chosen for greatness in Christ. Dying to self will always manifest Christ in and through you. What are you willing to surrender for the glory of the Lord? 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 II Timothy 4:3-4 [3] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; [4] and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 

Over the past few years I've seen families leave our church to find a church more suitable to their liking. Either offended by someone, the message preached, or whatever their excuse, they have left a void in the work of the church’s mission to reach the lost. 

One thing I love about my church is the various missions anyone can get involved in. I will admit, there is much work to be done to reach others for Christ and show the love of Christ to others. It's an active and busy church, and for some, it can make people retreat to a congregation who is more comfortable with limited involvement in God's work. 

We have a huge ministry coming in October called Judgment Journey, which takes attendees through the biblical account of the “end times” and judgment of unbelievers. It's powerful and takes a lot of volunteers to make it work effectively. I ask for your prayers, that this special ministry will bring awareness of Christ's love to the lost and volunteers will put forth the labor required to make it come together in a special way. 

If you are one of those who left us, there is no shame in returning to help as we are all one big family in Jesus Christ. God bless. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

 James 2:4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?

Every day I see more and more homeless people, walking down the sidewalks of our town or standing at intersections holding signs, asking for help. There's no doubt our economy makes it difficult to pay the bills and afford a safe home. As I see them, my heart wants to know their story of how they got to this place in their life. 

Today's verse calls out the blessed who are quick to judge the poor and homeless. It's easy to see the faults of others while ignoring similar behaviors in ourselves that could easily change our status with a home to homeless. God blesses certain people with resources that can help a person in the moment, and for some, make a lifetime difference. 

Jesus was actually homeless in His adult life as He ministered to people from town to town. He changed lives by the power He possessed to perform life changing miracles. He never complained either, but made it clear, His interest was not in earthly things, but the eternal. If you know Jesus, you are the result of His ministry to give hope to the hopelessly lost. 

God has blessed you and wants you to follow His lead in blessing others through the life changing works of giving and sharing the news of His saving grace. What can you do this week to change the status of the eternal homeless to eternally secure in Jesus and His Heavenly mansion He's prepared for us? 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

 I Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; 

In your walk with the Lord, do you ever feel as if you take one step forward, and two steps back? The challenges you face trying to live a life pleasing to God is often met with attacks from Satan, meant to bring discouragement and doubt into your mind. In that state, you feel paralyzed in your relationship with God. 

Today's verse is applicable for every child of God. When trouble comes our way, we shouldn't be surprised. The devil wants to make you less effective for God. But, the best thing to remember is nothing comes your way that hasn't been sifted through the hands of God. Although God did not bring trouble into your life, He can use it as a tool to strengthen your faith and relationship with Him. After 50 plus years of life, I've learned that progressing in my relationship with God requires some challenges, but I know God means them for my good and I can trust Him with every step forward, even the ones that take me back a few steps.

Whatever you are facing, just know it's got God's stamp of approval and He will equip you for the struggle to yield a better and stronger faith in the all mighty God we serve. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 

Have you ever started reading a book and got frustrated by its story line and put it down, never to read it again? I'm guilty of this, as many books sit on my bookshelf, half read, and probably need to go to Goodwill. 

We sometimes feel the same when life doesn't seem to go in the direction we had hoped for; we are ready to close out that chapter and move on. Maybe it's a financial investment that didn't pan out, a relationship that struggled to thrive, or maybe those you depended on were taken away either by their death or they moved away. Life has its ups and downs, but when the downers come, we are quick to surrender. 

Just like a book we put down, there's still a story to be told, and the same is true with your losses, hurts, disappointments, and unmet needs. Today's verse is a good reminder that God works in all matters of our lives, even the chapters that we want to close. 

Here's the main thought of this blog: God is not done working out His plan for your life. Although the current chapter may seem boring or unwelcomed, God will work through it to make a better you. Trust me, I've lived enough years to know that even the bad times turn out for my good when I trusted God with my life. And you too can have that assurance. Your story is not over, hang in there with faith and trust God to write the perfect ending. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

 II Peter 3:18  but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

On occasion I'll take a few minutes and reflect over my life, thinking about my past, and evaluate where I am in the moment. I do this to ensure I'm growing in wisdom, learning more about my relationship with Jesus, and most importantly not repeating old behaviors that were foolish in my younger years. Well, I still have a long ways to go, but I'm steadily moving in the right direction. 

In today's verse, Simon Peter encouraged his reading audience to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Why? By gaining a better understanding of His grace and wisdom, they could grow in their faith and not become stagnant in their relationship with Him. 

I encourage you to take some time this week to evaluate where you've been and where you currently are in your faith. You will most likely see areas where you've grown in spiritual wisdom which has helped you make better decisions in life, and you'll find other areas that need some additional help to unroot those persistent sins that hold you back from your fullest potential. 

The best text book to learn from is God's word, the Bible. Yes, books are good, but they are one man's opinion and some can mislead you. God's word is straight from His very lips, it doesn't get any simpler. Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ so you'll be better equipped to make decisions that will bring glory and honor to your Heavenly Father. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

 I Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;

There are people close to me who have or are currently going through a very difficult and painful time. Either from choices they've made or unexpected tragedies, they are feeling the painful effects. With each occurrence, I'm sure they've asked “why me?”. 

Today's verse tells us that we shouldn't be caught off guard by these turbulent moments. Jesus said in John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Oh, don't we long for peace and quietness in this busy, stressful, and noisy world? When we try to find those sweet attributes in the pleasures of this world we become frustrated and disappointed. But, when we put our faith and trust in God, He will turn a nightmare into something beautiful. Although He doesn't wish any tribulation to befall upon us, He oftentimes uses them to grow us, by strengthening our faith in Him. Trust me when I say, there is nothing more satisfying than to see His handiwork turn the ashes of life into positive growth; emotional, spiritual, and at times physical. 

Maybe you are going through one of the darkest moments of your life. Put you faith in the only Light (God) that will give you security and strength to face each day with confidence knowing, at the end of this trial, you will be a better and stronger person. God bless. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death. Proverbs 12:28

 As I get older, I oftentimes think about what lies beyond my life here on earth. As a Christian, I believe there is an eternal life in the spirit, and one day I’ll be in that realm of time; that is hard to fathom with the earthly mind. But one thing I do know, God loves me, He created me, and He has made a way for me to have a personal relationship with Him, through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus made payment for my sin on an old Roman cross, by dying a horrible death by crucifixion, then three days later rose back to life, defeating death. But, the most important thing Jesus did, He satisfied God’s requirement for the payment of man’s sin. All I had to do was believe in Jesus Christ and live each day in obedience to His ways (documented in scripture). If I mess up and sin, He forgives me when I acknowledge my errors and seek His forgiveness.

 The opposite of belief in Jesus Christ is death. Not just a physical death, but a spiritual death, eternally separated from God in Hell, for all eternity. I’ve done some research on Hell and believe me; it is NO WHERE you want to be. Even the strongest and most fearless person will live in eternal fear and pain for their choice to reject Jesus Christ. Actually, you are rejecting the love God desires to give you. To me, the choice is clearly obvious, but sadly there are many thousands of people who simply live in blindness to the truth of God.

 I’ve known many people who have planned out their tomorrow, only to die before the end of the day. Don’t put it off any longer friend. Accept Jesus Christ into your life and walk with Him daily, by reading your bible, attending a church, living in obedience to His word, praying, and most of all live with the knowledge that you are eternally safe, where there will be no death, but a joyous time with your Creator! God bless!

Friday, August 9, 2024

 James 3: [5]See how great a forest a little fire kindles! [6] And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. 

Ever find the words from your mouth start a firestorm among friends, family, coworkers, and others? Just a few words can completely destroy someone's character, relationships, even be repeated years later (as we are witnessing in the political race). How does one tame the tongue? 

Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

If you think about it, what comes out of the mouth, originates inside the heart. The heart is the center for everything we do, think, and say. How you channel it's power is determined by what you feed it, spiritually, even physically. Staying engaged in God's word, prayer, and shielding it from the harmful toxins of the world, will yield a healthy heart, mind, and soul….and from it will be a blessing to others who are within earshot of your voice. 

If you struggle to keep the flames of conflict with others by the words you say, ask God to transform your heart after His. He will help your vocabulary with a heart surrendered to His righteousness. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

 When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. Psalm 63:6

 Have you ever woken in the middle of the night with a thought about an issue that concerns you? I think the majority of us have experienced that and it comes more frequently as we age and the responsibilities of life increase. When you wake, you ask why is this bothering me when I am trying to get a good night’s rest? Good question!

 Today’s passage in Psalm might have the answer to your mid-night thoughts. The truth is, God’s voice doesn’t scream, there are no flashing lights directing you to Him, and He certainly leaves it up to you to listen when He speaks. The best time to get your attention is in the middle of the night. It’s best to acknowledge that God has tapped you on the shoulder and is ready to speak. Human nature makes us want to resolve the issue so we can go back to sleep, but the reality is we never get it figured out, and next thing you know it’s time to get up, and you’ve wasted 2-4 hours keeping your mind focused on the issue and not God.

 The next time you wake at night, ask God, what is it you want to tell me. Be prepared to receive His words of wisdom, maybe even write them down, because if you fall back asleep, you’ll probably forget the nugget of wisdom He shared. It doesn’t hurt to get out of bed, and go into another room, down on your knees in prayer, to see exactly why He woke you and what He has for you. You’ll be surprised by the wisdom He imparts and your spirit will be calmed over the matter that woke you in the first place.

 God knows the challenges you face every day. He loves you so much that He wants to be involved in every part of your life’s struggles and bring meaning and purpose to each one. His words can make the process a little easier and hopefully comfort you enough to rest well and be ready to tackle the new day. Listen to God when He speaks at night! Blessings!

Monday, August 5, 2024

 I Peter 2:15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. 

Growing up, I witnessed people hold the door open for other people as they entered a business, church, or home. Over the years I have tried to carry on that tradition out of respect for others and showing an act of selfless service. Sadly, this behavior has not been passed down to some, and it's more evident today than any other time in history. 

Today's simple verse encourages us to do good to our fellow men and women. When you do, you’ll find a variety of responses from a “thank you”, a nod of approval, no response at all, and for some a state of shock or disbelief that someone would show an act of kindness to them. For those in the last category, you give them a glimpse of the heart of God, a loving and caring God. Hopefully that seed of kindness will germinate in their heart and spur them to do the same. 

Don't believe me? Next time you are at a busy business, watch the door for a few minutes and see the change from selfishness to selfless acts by one kind hearted soul who changed the moment for others. That is the will of God for all of mankind. What simple act of kindness can you do today to change the environment around you for the glory of God? 

Friday, August 2, 2024

 Psalms 97:4 His lightnings light the world; The earth sees and trembles. 

Over the past week Georgia has seen multiple thunderstorms almost daily, and they have been very intense at times. Being a weather geek, these storms draw me outside to witness their big dark clouds, strong winds, and the wall of heavy rain that plummets the ground. Just yesterday I was outside when a huge bolt of lightning lit up the sky. For my safety, I ran indoors, as the house shook from that big thunder boomer. 

From a human perspective, it might be difficult to truly comprehend the enormous power of God. Just thinking about the world's creation and all that is in it, was spoken into existence by God. Don't forget the vastness of space and other planets and galaxies. Sometimes I struggle to understand all of this, yet God's word says He is with us in Spirit everyday…He loves us on a personal level. 

Maybe you too have a hard time understanding His capability to help you navigate life's challenges. The next time it storms, safely watch it's enormous strength and recognize God created it to show you the power He possesses and what He can help you overcome through faith in Him. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

 Our Father in heaven

Hallowed by Your name

Your Kingdom come

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.  Matthew 6:9-10

Ever wonder why bad things happen to good people? As I still struggle with the thought that three of the four Nelons died in a plane crash, I keep asking God why. Looking at their concert schedule, they were supposed to perform many concerts each month through the end of this year and even into 2025. I know I’m not the only one who has questions for God.

 As I was doing my morning devotions, God put a reminder on my heart in the Lord’s prayer: “YOUR WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN”. Heaven is God’s home, and from this perfect place, He has plans for each of His children, even the appointed time of death. We might never understand the plans He enacts, but we can be assured that those who follow Christ are secure in Heaven. I’d like to think Jason, Kelly, and Amber are leading the Heavenly choir, praising God.

 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

 One days all of His plans will come to light, when we see Jesus, face to face. His plans are always perfect and directed from the Heavenly realms, beyond our capacity to comprehend His reasoning. Until then friend, keep the faith and trust that God knows what HE is doing, and be thankful His Holy Spirit resides in you for comfort and peace during a time of sadness and loss.