Monday, August 5, 2024

 I Peter 2:15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. 

Growing up, I witnessed people hold the door open for other people as they entered a business, church, or home. Over the years I have tried to carry on that tradition out of respect for others and showing an act of selfless service. Sadly, this behavior has not been passed down to some, and it's more evident today than any other time in history. 

Today's simple verse encourages us to do good to our fellow men and women. When you do, you’ll find a variety of responses from a “thank you”, a nod of approval, no response at all, and for some a state of shock or disbelief that someone would show an act of kindness to them. For those in the last category, you give them a glimpse of the heart of God, a loving and caring God. Hopefully that seed of kindness will germinate in their heart and spur them to do the same. 

Don't believe me? Next time you are at a busy business, watch the door for a few minutes and see the change from selfishness to selfless acts by one kind hearted soul who changed the moment for others. That is the will of God for all of mankind. What simple act of kindness can you do today to change the environment around you for the glory of God? 

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