Thursday, August 8, 2024

 When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. Psalm 63:6

 Have you ever woken in the middle of the night with a thought about an issue that concerns you? I think the majority of us have experienced that and it comes more frequently as we age and the responsibilities of life increase. When you wake, you ask why is this bothering me when I am trying to get a good night’s rest? Good question!

 Today’s passage in Psalm might have the answer to your mid-night thoughts. The truth is, God’s voice doesn’t scream, there are no flashing lights directing you to Him, and He certainly leaves it up to you to listen when He speaks. The best time to get your attention is in the middle of the night. It’s best to acknowledge that God has tapped you on the shoulder and is ready to speak. Human nature makes us want to resolve the issue so we can go back to sleep, but the reality is we never get it figured out, and next thing you know it’s time to get up, and you’ve wasted 2-4 hours keeping your mind focused on the issue and not God.

 The next time you wake at night, ask God, what is it you want to tell me. Be prepared to receive His words of wisdom, maybe even write them down, because if you fall back asleep, you’ll probably forget the nugget of wisdom He shared. It doesn’t hurt to get out of bed, and go into another room, down on your knees in prayer, to see exactly why He woke you and what He has for you. You’ll be surprised by the wisdom He imparts and your spirit will be calmed over the matter that woke you in the first place.

 God knows the challenges you face every day. He loves you so much that He wants to be involved in every part of your life’s struggles and bring meaning and purpose to each one. His words can make the process a little easier and hopefully comfort you enough to rest well and be ready to tackle the new day. Listen to God when He speaks at night! Blessings!

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