Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death. Proverbs 12:28

 As I get older, I oftentimes think about what lies beyond my life here on earth. As a Christian, I believe there is an eternal life in the spirit, and one day I’ll be in that realm of time; that is hard to fathom with the earthly mind. But one thing I do know, God loves me, He created me, and He has made a way for me to have a personal relationship with Him, through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus made payment for my sin on an old Roman cross, by dying a horrible death by crucifixion, then three days later rose back to life, defeating death. But, the most important thing Jesus did, He satisfied God’s requirement for the payment of man’s sin. All I had to do was believe in Jesus Christ and live each day in obedience to His ways (documented in scripture). If I mess up and sin, He forgives me when I acknowledge my errors and seek His forgiveness.

 The opposite of belief in Jesus Christ is death. Not just a physical death, but a spiritual death, eternally separated from God in Hell, for all eternity. I’ve done some research on Hell and believe me; it is NO WHERE you want to be. Even the strongest and most fearless person will live in eternal fear and pain for their choice to reject Jesus Christ. Actually, you are rejecting the love God desires to give you. To me, the choice is clearly obvious, but sadly there are many thousands of people who simply live in blindness to the truth of God.

 I’ve known many people who have planned out their tomorrow, only to die before the end of the day. Don’t put it off any longer friend. Accept Jesus Christ into your life and walk with Him daily, by reading your bible, attending a church, living in obedience to His word, praying, and most of all live with the knowledge that you are eternally safe, where there will be no death, but a joyous time with your Creator! God bless!

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