Monday, August 26, 2024

 James 2:4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?

Every day I see more and more homeless people, walking down the sidewalks of our town or standing at intersections holding signs, asking for help. There's no doubt our economy makes it difficult to pay the bills and afford a safe home. As I see them, my heart wants to know their story of how they got to this place in their life. 

Today's verse calls out the blessed who are quick to judge the poor and homeless. It's easy to see the faults of others while ignoring similar behaviors in ourselves that could easily change our status with a home to homeless. God blesses certain people with resources that can help a person in the moment, and for some, make a lifetime difference. 

Jesus was actually homeless in His adult life as He ministered to people from town to town. He changed lives by the power He possessed to perform life changing miracles. He never complained either, but made it clear, His interest was not in earthly things, but the eternal. If you know Jesus, you are the result of His ministry to give hope to the hopelessly lost. 

God has blessed you and wants you to follow His lead in blessing others through the life changing works of giving and sharing the news of His saving grace. What can you do this week to change the status of the eternal homeless to eternally secure in Jesus and His Heavenly mansion He's prepared for us? 

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