Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 

Have you ever started reading a book and got frustrated by its story line and put it down, never to read it again? I'm guilty of this, as many books sit on my bookshelf, half read, and probably need to go to Goodwill. 

We sometimes feel the same when life doesn't seem to go in the direction we had hoped for; we are ready to close out that chapter and move on. Maybe it's a financial investment that didn't pan out, a relationship that struggled to thrive, or maybe those you depended on were taken away either by their death or they moved away. Life has its ups and downs, but when the downers come, we are quick to surrender. 

Just like a book we put down, there's still a story to be told, and the same is true with your losses, hurts, disappointments, and unmet needs. Today's verse is a good reminder that God works in all matters of our lives, even the chapters that we want to close. 

Here's the main thought of this blog: God is not done working out His plan for your life. Although the current chapter may seem boring or unwelcomed, God will work through it to make a better you. Trust me, I've lived enough years to know that even the bad times turn out for my good when I trusted God with my life. And you too can have that assurance. Your story is not over, hang in there with faith and trust God to write the perfect ending. 

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