Saturday, August 24, 2024

 I Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; 

In your walk with the Lord, do you ever feel as if you take one step forward, and two steps back? The challenges you face trying to live a life pleasing to God is often met with attacks from Satan, meant to bring discouragement and doubt into your mind. In that state, you feel paralyzed in your relationship with God. 

Today's verse is applicable for every child of God. When trouble comes our way, we shouldn't be surprised. The devil wants to make you less effective for God. But, the best thing to remember is nothing comes your way that hasn't been sifted through the hands of God. Although God did not bring trouble into your life, He can use it as a tool to strengthen your faith and relationship with Him. After 50 plus years of life, I've learned that progressing in my relationship with God requires some challenges, but I know God means them for my good and I can trust Him with every step forward, even the ones that take me back a few steps.

Whatever you are facing, just know it's got God's stamp of approval and He will equip you for the struggle to yield a better and stronger faith in the all mighty God we serve. 

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