Thursday, May 23, 2019

Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. Luke 18:17

We see a brief snippet in Jesus life where the children wanted to gather around this great man who they heard about. As they gathered around him, the disciples wanted to shoo them off so Jesus could go about his business. But, He took time to show them love and embrace their enthusiasm to be with Him. Jesus gave the disciples and crowd present the words in today’s verse. 

As I read this, I did a brief self-reflection of my desire to come to Jesus. I could see my heart desires the Lord, yet oftentimes I allow other things to get in the way of coming close to Him. The truth is, the things, and people, of this world can hold you back from experiencing the freedom of embracing the Lord fully. Its good to do a self-assessment and trust in God as you whittle away those chains that bind your youthful spirit to love Jesus, just as a child. 

Come to Him today with a free spirit to worship and embrace Him with the heart of a child. His returning hugs, through blessings, will let you know He is the only One that matters in life! God bless!

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