Friday, May 24, 2019

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 

The other day Lori and I were outside when we heard a familiar sound, music, yet it had a distinct sound that yielded us from what we were doing. Upon verification, we confirmed our suspicion….the ice cream truck had arrived in our neighborhood. Almost instantly we stopped what we were doing and walked to the truck for some delicious and refreshing ice cream. 

There is no doubt we, as humans, seem to find ways to occupy our time. Our busyness can be a hindrance to our ability to hear God when He calls out for us to go in a certain direction. The voices of our friends and family, our responsibilities and commitments can yell out so loudly that God’s whisper cant be heard any more, leaving us vulnerable to journey down a path God never intended for us to take. Wow! Truth!

Today, ask yourself, how busy is your life? Can you still hear the voice of God? If not, you might need to take a few minutes to evaluate why and determine exactly what is covering your ears and heart to God’s voice. His voice is very distinct and clear. The only way to hear it is to make room for Him in your life. Take time today to do a check on your hearing and make room for your Savior, Jesus Christ. He has blessings and wisdom that refresh the soul and lead you down a path less troublesome. Hear Him today as you pray and seek His wisdom! God bless!

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