Sunday, May 26, 2019

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

I was looking at a wooden fence today and noticed parts of the paint had been worn and some chipped away, exposing the wood to the elements. About every five years a fence needs to have its old paint scraped off and apply a new coat if you want the wood to last for years.

The same is true with the Christian life. Once saved, we get a good coating of the Holy Spirit and full of joy in our new relationship with our Savior. Over time, life’s storms chip away the newness of our spiritual covering, exposing us to the whiles of Satan. If he can penetrate our conscience, we can decay from the outside and influence our witness and journey with the Lord.

Its so important to always keep a fresh coat of Christ blood applied to our life. It protects us from the enemy and keeps our heart pure and focused on the things of God and not influenced by the world and its temporary pleasures.

Hows your spiritual coating? Maybe its time for a new coat of blood. Renew your covering by coming to the Lord with a spirit of forgiveness, and seek out His refreshing coat through steady prayer, bible study and keeping your environment protected by associating with fellow believers. Trust me, the world is looking for freshly renewed Christians to give them an example of what a good life in Christ looks like. Renew your Godly coating today and stay visibly beautiful to the world around you! God bless!

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