Monday, May 13, 2019

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1

A shepherd’s responsibility was to watch over a herd of sheep, to protect them and ensure they were fed and watered. Although the sheep didn’t know where their supply of feed and water came from, they trusted the shepherd to guide them to the things that met their needs.  

Our walk with the Lord is a perfect example of God shepherding us. He has His eyes on us at all times to see when we have a need and to help call us back into the fold when we step away from the rest of His children through disobedience or wrong choices. Oftentimes we make a bad decision and we find ourselves alone and vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. That’s when our Savior is calling for us to walk back to His voice. If we get too far, His voice won’t be heard. That’s why its so important to stay within ear shot of His voice. 

Maybe you’ve walked beyond the bounds of His voice and you want to get back to His safety and life sustaining supply of love and grace. Turn off everything around you and simply focus your thoughts and prayers towards Him. His voice will come through to guide you back to the fold. 

God has everything you need for your journey through life. Nothing this world has to offer can satisfy like the sweet love and grace of Jesus Christ. Seek after Him daily so you wont get lost in the darkness of this world. He’s calling you today, do you hear the Shepherd’s voice? God bless!

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