Wednesday, May 29, 2019

So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many.  To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation. Hebrews 9:28

Yesterday I spent the day looking and shopping in a nearby town. As I walked through the mall, I was simply overtaken by the number of items for sale. So much inventory, fashion and every gadget and jewelry piece you could ever want or need. At the same time, I looked at all the people walking around aimlessly, indulging in the temporary satisfaction of their purchases. No doubt we live in a very commercial society. 

At the same time a thought came to mind, whose going to tell all these people about salvation and the good news of Jesus Christ? People are so distracted today by the glitz and glam of our world that they find no need or understanding for a Savior. But the truth is in today’s scripture, Jesus Christ gave of His life for the sins of many. Unless we start getting people’s attention, there will be a whole lot of lost people going to Hell.

There’s a lot you can do to help spread the word of God. But the most important thing you can do is simply live out your faith for others to see. They might question your life and what you believe in…and that’s ok…that’s an invite to share your faith and what God has done for you through the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is coming back and there will be no second chances. What you do now for the cause of Christ will help others come to know Him too…and the message will continue to grow. There is a place called Heaven where nothing perishes. Be the advertisement for Christ today and steer the lost into the right direction. Jesus is coming back soon! God bless!

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