Monday, November 23, 2020


And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9


In October 1985 I came face to face with mother nature head and almost lost. I was with a group of college students climbing Pikes Peak mountain in Colorado when a blizzard hit us just a few miles short of our destination, two warm log cabins at timberline.


 At 11,000 feet, the oxygen level drops significantly and the miles and miles we hiked had my body simply worn out. I’d take 5 or 6 steps and fall down trying to catch my breath. The wind and snow was blowing between 30 – 40 mph and the trail was now covered in snow. Thankfully our group leader knew the way and kept encouraging us to move on. As time went on, our group spread further and further apart. Quite honestly it was a struggle to survive.


As I was just about to lay down and give up, one of the guys ahead said “we are getting close.” With those words, I mustered up as much energy as I could and started climbing, slowly, step by step. Eventually we all made it to the log cabins which were warmed by a hot fire in the fire place. Mother nature almost won that day and ever since I’ve had much respect for weather and its power.


So, where am I going with this blog? I can say with ease, 2020 has been a struggle. All the chaos and challenges we’ve faced, not to mention I had COVID-19 for two weeks and it kicked my butt. I’m sure you’ve had your challenges too. My walk with the Lord has also been a struggle. With a lack of church attendance (because of government restrictions), I personally have struggled to keep my focus. Many of our church activities, which have energized my spirit, were cancelled, thus reducing the spiritual nourishment I’ve thrived on in past years.


 I ran across today’s verse the other day and it reminded me of that mountain side struggle. Although the world’s elements and chaos make it difficult to live out my faith, I must forge on, keeping the faith, continuing to do the good works of the Lord. I can hear the Lord saying, “you are close to the end of this struggle and blessings wait you!” Keep forging on friend! A few steps to glory wait you! Never give up on your faith in God! God bless!   

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