Thursday, November 26, 2020


Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Hebrews 13:2


The other day I had an encounter with a homeless man. He was standing at an intersection near several businesses. As I approached, I felt compelled to give him some money. As I got closer, I rolled down my window and called out to him, but he never looked my way. Finally, I got his attention, handed him some money and he thanked me. He also stated he was deaf and could not hear when I was calling out to him. My heart went out to this man and I prayed for God to watch over him and provide for his necessities.


On this day of Thanksgiving, we make statements about what we are thankful for and the people in our life who make us feel loved and appreciated. But how can we express our thankfulness? I truly believe its through giving. One thing you must understand….


Nothing you possess is yours without God’s generous blessing. He provides for your needs through your finances, food, shelter, clothing and family. When you share a portion of what He has blessed you with, you in turn bless others, just as His blessing was intended. And the return on your giving is more than you could make up on your own.  


Be alert for ways you can share your blessings. It might be a special ministry, giving someone in need some cash, baking that elderly person you know a nice dish of food….the list is endless, but there are many opportunities to share God’s blessings. And the cool thing is, you might just entertain an angel. God will bless you friend when you give. Show your gratitude this holiday season through giving! God bless!


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