Monday, November 16, 2020


Therefore thus says the Lord God:

Behold, My servants shall eat,

But you shall be hungry;

Behold, My servants shall drink,

But you shall be thirsty;

Behold, My servants shall rejoice,

But you shall be ashamed.

Isaiah 65:13


In yesterday’s blog I talked about the importance of not only doing the right things, but believing and supporting those who seek after God’s word. I’d like to continue with this chapter 65 in Isaiah.


In this country, and many places around the world, it’s the “majority” that win when it comes to decisions, such as this recent election. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter if the majority’s thinking aligns with God’s standards, its about what feels right. This type of thinking can move a generation away from God. If you attend church, its very evident by the attendance that people aren’t interested in what God has to say. In my opinion we are headed in dangerous territory! God will not bless a land that doesn’t bless Him.


The good news is that God will protect His children, regardless of what’s the popular standard of their society. You might feel like the majority has control, but nothing comes about without God’s allowance. And as you know, God has a plan for everything that happens in this world, including your life. So, don’t despair when you aren’t holding the popular view.


Until the return of Jesus Christ, the child of God needs to live out their days faithful to the Savior, pray for this nation and most importantly, love your enemy (Matthew 5:44).


If my people who are called by my name humbles themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.        2 Chronicles 7:14  God bless!

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