Wednesday, November 25, 2020


The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth. 1 Kings 17:14


Today’s verse comes from the story of Elijah and the Widow, 1 Kings 17: 8-16. God instructed Elijah to go to Zarephath, and informed him that a widow would provide for his food. Upon arrival, he saw the widow and requested bread from her. Her reply to his request in Verse 12: she replied that she didn’t have any bread, only a small amount of flour and a small portion of oil, just enough to make one small loaf of bread to feed both her and her son. She had just enough. She was at the end of her rope and had nothing else. But God! She went and did as Elijah asked and as we read thru the passages, she had enough for all three of them, and flour and oil left over.  

As we enter into the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, you might find yourself with just enough to get by. Weather its food, visiting family members or money, you have just enough to get you by. Things might appear desperate, but trust me, God can supply all of your needs if you trust Him with what you have.

Give your “just enough” over to God this holiday season and see how He can multiply His blessings more than you could do on your own. God loves His children and will meet their needs, financially, spiritually, emotionally even your supply of food. Give it to God and watch Him keep your bin of flour just enough full to get you through. God bless!

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