Thursday, December 17, 2020

 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9


During this Christmas season, organizations and people find creative ways to tap into everyone’s generosity by providing gift drop boxes at places of businesses, people standing by the roadsides asking for money and even at checkout you are often asked if you want to donate to a certain charity. To be honest, it can be overwhelming with all these requests to give. Then I look at my bank account and think to myself…I sure could use some donations. Can you relate?


No doubt there are many people in need. I encourage you to not stop supporting those in need. The old saying…”you reap what you sow” is true, especially when it comes to giving. Every time I have given, God has blessed me either financially or by other means. I never go without a meal, shelter or clothing (my wife can attest to that). God will do the same for you.


Your few dollars might not seem like much, but when you bless someone else, God will bless you. Even if you don’t feel like you have much to offer, God will increase your giving in a way only He can do. Give and leave the rest up to Him! Your giving will reap a plentiful harvest of blessings! God bless! 

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