Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16


As a kid growing up on a farm in mid-west Illinois, I recall some winters where we received a lot of snow and it was challenging for me to walk through it. Fortunately, my dad had big feet and if I allowed him to walk ahead of me, I could walk in his footsteps to keep myself from getting bogged down in the thick snow. On occasion I might try to make my own path, only to get cold, wet snow falling into my shoes and feet freezing. I learned pretty quick it was best to follow in his footsteps.


Today’s verse gives some great advice for God’s children. Follow the footsteps of God and you will never find yourself stuck in the muck of life. He has clearly laid out the path for us through scripture and our personal attendant, The Holy Spirit, to guide our every step to keep us from messing up. Unfortunately, satan will always be there to tempt you to make your own path, and the convince you it will be a shortcut to where you want to go, but as soon as you take a few missteps, your walk won’t be any easier and most likely more difficult.


We have a loving Father who wants the very best for us. He offers His protection and wisdom every day in the choices we make and the path we chose to follow. The choice is yours. But understand, there are always consequences to the decision you make to march on your own. Follow in the footsteps of safety and let the Holy Spirit guide you each day as you navigate this life. God bless!

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