Sunday, December 6, 2020

 But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18:16


Sadly, a family in our community recently suffered the tragic loss of their young son. There are no words that can heal the brokenness of this family’s loss. I personally know several people who have lost their young child and the healing process never ends.


As I was sitting in church this morning, praying for this family, God laid today’s verse on my heart. You see, in the middle of Jesus’s ministry to the adult population, Jesus took a moment to receive these young children into his presence, by allowing them to sit on His lap and embrace them with His love. What a beautiful moment to see Jesus bless these little ones.  I can only imagine the beauty of Jesus receiving young children in Heaven, embracing them with His arms and loving them as His very own.


Words can provide little comfort for those grieving here on earth, but the reminder that Jesus has promised theirs is the kingdom of God hopefully will provide some peace and comfort knowing their child is in the presence of Jesus Christ and one day, we will join them for all eternity.


May God’s presence surround you with His love and healing during this most difficult time. May the comfort of knowing your loved one is in a perfect place, bring peace to your grieving heart. God bless!

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