Saturday, November 26, 2022

 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. Mark 10:15


This time of year children are expecting to receive toys for Christmas. As parents struggle through department stores, their children beg for certain toys, reaching out to grab what they can get. Standing inside the buggy they beg their parents for a toy. I’ve experienced this first hand and to see their excitement when they receive it is heartwarming.


From the very words of Jesus Christ, He spoke today’s passage. As a child of God, you’ve got to ask yourself, does your relationship with Him have the same enthusiasm as a child in a toy store? As adults living in today’s world the pressures and demands of life can easily distract you from a childlike faith in Jesus Christ. You might go through all the motions of a Christian, but the true connection with Jesus Christ is missing. How can you have a childlike faith?


A deeper relationship with Jesus comes over time. Through prayer, bible study and having a obedient heart will allow you to recognize the void you have and the need for Him to help you in your daily walk. Time and time again, I have seen the hand of God working in my life, which simply reinforces the fact that I need Him, I long for His presence and without Him I’m simply going through the motions, missing out on His best.


Ask God to put that childlike faith in you and seek after Him in all areas of your life. Commune with Him through prayer and bible study and you will too see the need, the desire to know Him on a deeper level. God bless!

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