Friday, November 4, 2022

 Thus says the Lord God to these bones, “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live. Ezekiel 37:5


In the book of Ezekiel, we read about a vision God provided to him (Ezekiel 37:1-14). A captive in the land of Babylon, Ezekiel must have felt as desolate and useless as the piles of bones that he had seen in the startling vision. He knew that only a miracle could bring the decimated and scattered people of Judah back together again in the Promised Land.


The vision showed God breathing life back into the dry bones of the spiritually dead and bring the dispersed nation of His people back together again.  The vision provided hope for Ezekiel who otherwise felt defeated and loss of love for the people he cherished.


Maybe you have encountered a time of dryness in your life. Uncertain health issues, failed relationship, experiencing the painful results of poor choices in life; all of these may make you feel hopeless. BUT GOD! Friend, if He can breath life back into dry bones, He can restore in you hope for a brighter tomorrow. Seek after Him in prayer, asking for His forgiveness, and request to take this time of dryness and restore you back to better days. Take confidence in knowing He has allowed this difficulty to provide you a foundation to push up from to reach the mountain top once again. God has you under His protective care. Trust Him today for tomorrow’s blessings are on the horizon. God bless!

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