Sunday, November 20, 2022

 Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth. Colossians 3:2


Your brain is the control center of your life. Everything that your body does, starts in the brain. Every heartbeat, every breath, every desire, every movement….ect. It all comes from the brain. As your brain keeps you alive, it also processes your data received and affects how the body responds. In fear your heart rate goes up and the body tenses, when happy a smile is generated and a feeling of joy overcomes you.


So, the real question today, why consume yourself with things of this world that will eventually pass away (1 John 2:17). Today’s passage reminds us that as Christians, our thoughts should be focused on God, not this world. After living 50 plus years I can tell you there is no gold nugget in this world. The benefits of living by faith, not by sight, in the Lord, has brought me more blessings and joy than anything I’ve experienced on earth. He will bless you for keeping your brain focused on the great things He offers.


And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable perfect will of God. Romans 12:2


A life that follows in the footsteps of Jesus Christ starts in the mind. As you begin to develop and grow your mindset towards Him, your life will resemble more a Christlike character and people will truly notice the changes, opening up the opportunity to share your faith. Start today by putting aside the things of this world and ask God to fill your mind with His goodness so you can be the light in this dark world. God bless!

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