Monday, January 16, 2023

 A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgement. Proverbs 18:1

Ever wish you could simply drop off the grid and find yourself in a remote location where no one else exist and people can’t connect with you? This desire often happens after some stressful event such as a failed relationship, loss of a job, embarrassing situation or simply you’ve had enough of living next to other human beings. Many people need a break from the realities of life, but what does isolation really do to your soul?

 Today’s passage sheds light on that very topic. Left alone, a man seeks his own desires and ways he wants to live, but the majority of those choices he makes could very well be wrong, leading to more poor choices and the feelings of guilt add more weight to the already burden that put you in a state of isolation. Left alone, Satan oftentimes uses this time to whisper lies of deceit and self-destructive thoughts that can put more distance between you and God. His ultimate goal is the make you feel unworthy of God’s grace, mercy and love. Is this really where you want to be?

 And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.: Genesis 2:17

 From the beginning of time, God created man in His image and made him a suitable helper. Man was never meant to go at life alone, but to journey through life with others, weather that be a spouse, friend or close brother/sister in Christ. Maybe you need some time alone to reset your mind, heart and soul, that’s ok. Just don’t continue to live in isolation and leave yourself vulnerable to the whiles of Satan. God is right there by your side, ready to give you the companionship you need, even when everything inside of you screams, LEAVE ME ALONE. You need a partner, find it in Christ and allow Him to bring you a friend or spouse to help you carry the weight of your burdens. Together, you can find the value in connecting with others.


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