Wednesday, January 11, 2023

 “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20


Monday, January 2, 2023, 24-year-old Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin received a blow to his chest, while tackling a player, that stopped his heart. Almost immediately players and coaches on the field recognized the severity of his injury as he collapsed. Medical responders began CPR, which revived him, and he was taken away to a hospital for treatment. While at the hospital his heart stopped again and he was resuscitated. One week later, Hamlin has been released from the hospital with a remarkable recovery.


I truly believe we saw a miracle of God unfold on the playing field that night. Players dropped to their knees to pray for him and without doubt, God was there within their presence. It’s unknown how many of those who knelt actually had a relationship with Jesus, but their actions showed the world that in times of trouble, prayer is the only thing you can do when things are desperate.


You too might be facing a critical situation, almost life and death, and feel like you have no other options. I encourage you to round up some of your friends, family and brothers/sisters in Christ to pray for you. I truly believe in the power of prayer and it was evident by the immediate turn around of Mr. Hamlin. God might not turn your situation around that quickly, but through prayer and faith in Him, He will give you the best response to your prayer request when you have two or three gathered on your behalf. God bless!

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