Sunday, January 22, 2023

 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. Ephesians 5:10

 Have you ever considered what things in your life are acceptable to God? When you enter into a new relationship, there is a time of learning each other: what they like, what you like together, what personal friendships are positive in your relationship with each other and what certain behaviors and words are acceptable. During this time, change happens, things that were always done are no longer, and thought patterns change as the two become one in unison.

 Today’s verse is short and to the point, have you found out what is acceptable to God? So often you go through life doing the things you do, places you go, friendships you keep all the while some of these might be hindering your relationship with God. Unfortunately, the enemy, Satan, has a way of whispering lies to God’s children, encouraging them to do what feels natural and good. As your relationship with God is hindered, so are blessings withheld until you’ve completely yielded every area of your life to Him.

 But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Ephesians 5:13

 The best way to make sure all areas of your life are acceptable to God is let Him expose His light on those things, people, thoughts, habits, and places that might be holding your relationship back from completeness. You know change will happen, and it might be painful to let go of certain things and people, but trust me, God’s blessings far outweigh anything you’ve surrendered to His perfect will. Be prepared and transparent with God as you take the next step in your relationship with Him. He’s ready to sanctify your life as He molds you into the image of Jesus Christ. God bless.

 On a side note, for more ways to discover God’s acceptable things, I encourage you to read the entire book of Ephesians. I love this book as it sheds light on all areas of human life. Click the link here: Ephesians


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