Friday, January 27, 2023

 The Lord gave the word; Great was the company of those who proclaimed it. Psalm 68:11

 When I ran across today’s scripture the story of Paul Revere came to mind. As the story goes, he rode through the streets of Concord Massachusetts  announcing the “British are coming”, to warn those of the British army’s intentions to attack. This announcement spread through the community and the citizens were ready to defend their city.

 From the beginning of time until now, another enemy is on the prowl to attack all of mankind, Satan (1 Peter 5:8). Sadly, many of the Paul Revere’s of Christianity remain silent instead of warning those outside the faith that there is victory through Jesus Christ! As today’s scripture says, the Lord gave us the word, Jesus Christ, and those who have professed Him as their Savior, should be ready and willing to share the good news of salvation (Matthew 28:19). Unless the announcement is made, people within your circle of influence will remain unaware of the danger they live in and will remain captive to Satan’s deceptions for all eternity.

 Paul Revere risked his life to warn others of pending doom. Jesus Christ has already won the battle, it’s up to you to announce where victory can be found. Make that announcement today and everyday through your life’s words and actions. God bless!

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