Wednesday, September 6, 2023

 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grow, brings forth death. James 1:14-15

 Sin, it is any thought or behavior that is opposite of holiness. As humans we are all born into sin (separation from God’s holiness) Romans 3:23. Until you accept God’s forgiveness of sin, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as payment for mankind’s sin, you have no atonement for your sins. But what about God’s children, what causes those who are covered by the blood of Christ to still fall for sin’s enticement?

 Today’s passage clearly states what brings about enticement to sin, DESIRE. Think for a moment about a past sin you’ve committed. It mostly likely started with a little thought. Let’s face it, sin brings pleasure, whether it’s the thrill of stealing, sexual arousal, gossip (the list is endless).  But when that one thought continues to circulate in your mind, it grows into a desire and once that desire is fed by your thoughts, justification follows and the next thing you know, you are planning how to fulfil that sinful desire. Does this sound familiar?

 “The Devil made me do it”. Flip Wilson.

 Famous comedian Flip Wilson used this expression a lot to justify his wrong behavior. Although the Devil can temp you with a thought, the responsibility to manage that enticement is up to you. The truth of the matter is a desire stirs your emotions and hormones play a role in that good feeling.  

 Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16

 We all need help to avoid sinful behavior. Thankfully God gave us His Holy Spirit to empower us to stop the sinful thoughts and refocus on living a righteous life. Whatever you battle with, even on a daily basis, ask God to give you the strength and will power to redirect your thoughts to God and seek His help when the desire surfaces. You can’t do it alone; you must seek God’s help. When you do, God will bless you more than if you were to experience the pleasure of whatever sin enticed you to commit. God bless!




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