Sunday, September 17, 2023

 Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

 With all the chaos in the United States, you have to wonder does God still bless America? The moral decay of society and political corruption under the protection of God’s hand I believe is slowly eroding. Just like the pollution is eroding earth’s protective layer in the atmosphere, we are seeing negative impacts as a result of this country’s ways.

 What can stop the erosion and bring back God’s blessings on this great nation? The first step you can take is making God a priority in your life. Including God in every aspect of your life and making decisions that would please Him is a start. God always blesses obedience, and your moral actions, although counter to today’s standards, set the example for your children, family members and neighbors. You don’t need to toot your horn on your way to church, but make a point to attend regularly. Pray for this country, its leadership, and yourself that God will lead you down the path of His perfect will. Nothing pleases God more than hearing from you.

 The Lord preserves all who love Him, but all the wicked HE will destroy. Psalm 145:20

 Your actions, your prayers, and keeping your spiritual life in check is critical to seeing a change across this great land. Sharing God’s word with others is God’s purpose for your life and unless you are willing to share your beliefs with those in the dark, how will anyone know about God and His willingness to bless a nation that calls upon Him daily?


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