Saturday, September 30, 2023

 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34

 Pretend with me for a moment that you will receive $100 every day to live. Every day you must spend that $100 or whatever is left in your account will be deducted from the $100 you’ll receive on the following day. Worrying about tomorrow’s expenses by hording today’s money won’t help you with the next day’s allotment. In essence, you are short changing yourself.

 Jesus Christ reminds us in today’s verse not to worry about tomorrow. When you put your faith and trust in God, He provides for your every need on a daily basis (Matthew 6:33). Just like the analogy above, worrying about the concerns of tomorrow spreads God’s daily blessings thin, taking away from God’s resources for today. Using God’s blessings, make today the best it can be and trust God knows what’s needed for tomorrow.

 ….For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. Matthew 6:32

 Speaking of tomorrow, God knows what’s needed for all your tomorrows. Worrying simply takes away from God’s plan He has for you today. You might be thinking, yeah, that sounds good and all, but my situation is dire and I’m literally at rock bottom. Friend, God is right there at rock bottom with you and is ready to lift you out of the miry clay pit and ready to bless you, but He won’t bring you up any further than one rung of the ladder per day, so take His hand and have the confidence that God has your tomorrows covered. Trust Him with today and you’ll see how trustworthy He truly is. Take a moment and read Jesus discussion on worry in Matthew 6:25-34. God bless!


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