Tuesday, September 19, 2023

 Proverbs 1:8 Hear, my son, your father's instruction And do not forsake your mother's teaching;

Yesterday we visited Lori's mother in the nursing home. Her hearing is very poor and she can't hear Lori, so I usually lead our conversations. I love hearing stories of days gone by and how they lived prior to my birth. Her mom was full of great stories and I soaked up every word. 

Our conversation reminded me of talks I had with my grandmother. Since she has passed, those stories are simply vague memories in my mind now; oh how I wish I could go back and relive those wonderful talks with her. The wisdom I gained truly shaped my life and many things I learned from her I use them to guide my decisions, sometimes daily. 

If you are fortunate to have one, maybe two previous generations of family still living, make time to hear their stories, learn from their life. They are no different than you. They were young once and survived many of life's challenges and can provide you wisdom, saving you the heartache of making wrong choices. Once they are gone, so are the precious stories of those who made a way for your life. Who can you make time for this week? I sincerely promise you won't regret time spent listening. God bless. 

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