Friday, September 8, 2023

 Proverbs 22:6. Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Every day on my morning walk I come across kids walking to the school bus stop. I always make a point to say hello and wish them a good day. Some respond in a friendly manner while others don't say a word or acknowledge my greeting. Granted it's early morning and what kid is happy about going to school. But in reality there is probably a deeper issue in regards to their home life and what they are being fed emotionally, spiritually, and even physically by their parents or caretakers. 

Today's verse reminds us that how we treat our children and what they experience goes with them throughout their lifetime. I spoke with an adult man the other day and he shared with me that while growing up he was treated very poorly, even abused, and battles with those demons today as a father. He wants to do better and has started going to church and learning more about God's love and forgiveness. I truly hope he will be able to overcome his past with God's help, but it's gonna take a lot of work on his part. 

If you have children growing up under your care, be careful what you teach them and how you treat them, because you are setting a benchmark for their adult life. Maybe you are a victim of a bad childhood; ask God to help transform your mind and heart so you can change the course of your children's future for the good. God bless. 

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