Saturday, September 23, 2023

 Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

All throughout my community new homes and apartment buildings are being constructed. With new factories and population growth, we are expecting an influx of people. With that said, quality materials are a must when constructing places for people to reside. Many older homes are still standing today because builders chose to use quality materials and not cut corners. 

Today's verse is a great reminder that the things and people you take time to invest in will have lasting effects. Good moral standards are quality building blocks for your children, whose lives will pass on those quality traits to their children. Thinking of my grandmother who made time for me at the kitchen table, talking about spiritual things, have gone with me throughout my life and hopefully benefitted my kids for generations to come. 

Take time to survey your life. Are you providing others quality standards and fair treatment? Your legacy will live on, either good or bad. Why not make it good for the benefit of others and bring honor to God. One day you and I will give an account of what we did for the Lord in this life. Make quality a number one priority. 

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