Tuesday, September 26, 2023

 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10

 Have you ever found yourself asking someone if they loved you OR if they still love you? You might be in a relationship and done something wrong, and you question whether this person still loves you. Maybe you are in prison and committed a horrible crime and wonder if anyone loves you. Love is something we all want to experience, but the truth is love can be fragile in this fallen world. People’s feelings are often redirected upon some unforgettable act and that feeling of love fades. How can one find a love that never ceases?

 Today’s verse is a great reminder that God first loved you and gave His Son to die in your place for the sins you’ve committed (and will commit), opening up a relationship of grace and mercy that sustains love for all eternity. It’s there for the taking and all you have to do is accept God’s love, through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf. Once a child of God, NOTHING you do will ever change His love for you, NOTHING! Yea, you might royally mess up and feel the world hates you, but not God.  He sees your heart and His love continues to embrace you 24/7.

 You might be reading this right now and feel the pain of a love loss. Fill that void with God’s love. His ability to love you goes even further than a parent’s love for their child. Sometimes you have to start fresh, begin filling your heart with God’s love and let that be your security in this fallen world. God bless!


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