Thursday, August 18, 2022

 And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand. And they asked Him, saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath? That they might accuse Him. Matthew 12:10


Today’s passage comes from scripture in Matthew 12:9-14 where a man with a withered hand was presented to Jesus and it was the Sabbath. They were putting Him to the test, asking Him if it was ok to heal someone on the day of the Lord. Of course, Jesus came back with fruitful wisdom and healed the man of his withered hand.


God’s healing doesn’t just happen on certain days of the week. He is in the healing business, even on Sundays. He loves mankind, that was the whole purpose of Jesus Christ coming to earth, to bond man to God through Jesus sacrificial death on the cross, as payment for your and my sins. That love runs deep and defies human wisdom and logic.


Is there something or someone in your life who needs a healing touch from God? Don’t think that your request is insignificant to Him. He loves you and wants to do good in your life. It’s up to you to make way for His healing to take place. Call upon Him today and He will defend you and perform a great healing at your request. God bless!


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