Thursday, August 25, 2022

 …keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. 1 Timothy 1:19


In the movie Titanic, we see a large vessel that was described "unsinkable", yet through a series of unfortunate events it sank. Arrogance and a lack of attention brought this mighty ship down, and many people died. 


The Christian life can be easily compared to this story. Confidence in self to overcome the enemy's attacks and a lack of wise choices can shipwreck your faith. One compromise to Godly obedience can bring a lifetime of regret and pain that will destroy one’s character and witness. 


Don't let compromise create an opening for Satan to enter and slowly sink everything you've worked hard to build. Your relationship with God is paramount to the success of your life on planet Earth. A clear conscience and trusting God goes a long way in making wise decisions and keeps regret at bay. God has a plan for your life, navigating it without regret will ensure smooth sailing. God bless. 


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