Tuesday, August 30, 2022

 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24


A few days ago my wife and I attended one of our kid’s softball games, which she is the coach. The scoreboard was evidence of who was playing better ball, it never lies and doesn’t cheat. Each run across home plate is a score for either team, and our team did pretty well, but more development is surely needed.


As a child of God, how does your scoreboard look? Does satan have more points than you, or have you learned the skill of playing hard and giving life all you’ve got? On judgement day, your points of obedience and faithfulness will be rewarded. Something to think about!


As you go through each day, try to symbolize your daily life to that of a game. Every time you do the right thing, score one for you. When you fall short, the enemy gets the point.


Work heartily as to the Lord!


No doubt, the game of life is a spiritual battleground, you NEED Jesus Christ every day in your life to help you hit a spiritual home run. Don’t give the devil a foothold; make a conscious decision to follow in strict obedience! The scoreboard has no cap to the blessings that await His faithful followers. Hit one out of the park today! God bless!

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